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Step-by-Step: Using Google Search Console for Backlink Analysis

how to check backlinks in google search console

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Google Search Console is a powerful tool for analyzing and understanding the nature of the inbound links, also known as backlinks, to your website. With this tool, you can identify the websites that link to yours, monitor the quality of these links, and assess their impact on your SEO efforts. Here is a step-by-step guide to using Google Search Console for backlink analysis.

Setting Up Google Search Console

Before you can begin analyzing your backlinks, you’ll need to set up Google Search Console for your website. To add your website to the console, you’ll need to navigate to the Google Search Console home page and click on ‘Add Property’. Then, you’ll need to input the URL of your website.

Once you have added your website, you’ll then need to verify your ownership. Google provides several methods for this verification process, including HTML file upload, Domain name provider, HTML tag, GA tracking code, or Google Tag Manager. Choose the method that is most suitable for you, follow the instructions provided, and click ‘Verify’.

Remember, you must have the necessary access to your website’s code or hosting provider to complete this verification successfully. Once your website is verified, you can start using Google Search Console to analyze your backlinks. It’s that easy!

Navigating to the ‘Links’ Feature

Ah, the elusive ‘Links’ feature on Google Search Console. I remember the first time I stumbled upon it – like a treasure trove of information just waiting to be explored. Trust me, once you’ve mastered this feature, your website’s SEO game will never be the same again.

Alright, let’s get down to business. Once that’s verification process done, click on the ‘Links’ tab and brace yourself for some serious link analysis.

Here’s where things get interesting – the ‘Links’ feature provides not only information about external links (those coming from other websites) but also internal links within your site. That means you can track how well your content is linked within your website and improve overall site navigation.

But wait! There’s more! The ‘Links’ feature also shows you which pages are receiving the most backlinks and which domains are linking to them. This is crucial in understanding which content resonates with your audience and attracting quality backlinks to boost site authority.

Feeling overwhelmed yet? Don’t worry, there’s a handy filter option that allows you to sort through all this data by date or type of link (follow or nofollow). Talk about customizable insights!

But perhaps my favorite part of this feature is being able to explore competitor backlinks. Yep, that’s right – with just a few clicks, you can spy on what kind of backlinks your competitors are getting and potentially snag some for yourself.

Now before we dive into an intense competitor analysis frenzy (which can be addicting – trust me), let me give some tips for using this feature effectively:

  • Keep tabs on link trends over time: By changing the date range filter in the top left corner of the report chart section, you can see how many new links were acquired or lost in a specific period. This can help you identify patterns and adjust your link-building strategy accordingly.
  • Don’t neglect internal linking: As mentioned earlier, the ‘Links’ feature also shows internal links. Take advantage of this by making sure your content is well-linked within your site to improve user experience (and potentially boost SEO).
  • Quality over quantity: It’s easy to get caught up in the numbers game when it comes to backlinks, but remember that quality trumps quantity every time. Focus on acquiring relevant and high-quality backlinks rather than just aiming for a certain number.

The ‘Links’ feature on Google Search Console is a powerful tool for understanding your website’s link profile and improving SEO. So go ahead, explore its features, and watch as your website climbs up the search engine rankings. Happy analyzing!

Explore Competitor Backlinks

Well, well, well. It looks like you’ve stumbled upon one of my favorite features on the Google search console.

Ah, the good old Google Search Console – a treasure trove of information for any website owner or digital marketer. Among its many useful features, one that often goes unnoticed is the ability to explore competitor backlinks.

What exactly are backlinks? In simple terms, backlinks are links from external websites that direct people to your website. They act as votes of confidence and trust for your content and can greatly impact your search engine rankings.

Now, before I dive into how this feature works, let me just take a moment to appreciate the fact that we live in an era where even spying on our competitors’ backlinks can be done with just a few clicks. Gone are the days of manually scouring through endless web pages and trying to decode their link-building strategies. Thank you, Google!

So, how exactly does this work? Well, first things first – make sure you have access to your own website’s data on Google Search Console. Once you’re in, head over to the ‘Links’ section and click on ‘Top linking sites’. Here you will see a list of all websites that are currently linking to yours.

But wait, it gets better! Right below this list, there’s an option called ‘More >> Explore’. This is where the magic happens. By clicking on this button, you’ll be directed to a new page that shows all external links pointing towards your website (aka backlinks), along with some additional information such as anchor text and the number of linked pages.

The Real Fun Part of GSC

Now comes my favorite part – using this same tool, you can also spy on your competitors’ backlinks! All you have to do is enter their domain name instead of yours in the search bar and voila! You’ll get a comprehensive list of all websites linking to them.

Why is this so exciting? Well for starters, it gives us insights into what kind of content our competition is producing and who they’re collaborating with. It also allows us to identify potential link-building opportunities for ourselves by reaching out to these same websites.

But hey now, don’t go crazy and start copying all their backlinks left right center. Remember quality over quantity always wins in the link-building game. So make sure to evaluate each backlink’s relevance, authority, and credibility before deciding to pursue it.

How to Disavow Links in Google Search Console?

Disavowing links in Google Search Console can be a lifesaver for your website’s SEO. As a digital marketer, I have come across numerous instances where irrelevant or spammy backlinks were impacting the ranking of a website. But thanks to this magical feature of Google Search Console, disavowing those harmful links has become easier than ever.

So let’s dive into the nitty-gritty details and learn how to effectively use the ‘Disavow Links’ option in Google Search Console.

Step 1: Create a ‘.txt’ file

The first step is to create a text file that contains all the URLs or domains you want to disavow. This could include any suspicious or spammy websites that are linking back to your site. Make sure to only include one URL per line and ensure they are in proper format ( or if you want to disavow the whole domain just include per line.

Pro Tip: You can use various tools like Ahrefs or SEMRush to identify these questionable backlinks.

Step 2: Access Google Search Console

Once you have your list ready, log into your Google Search Console account and go to the ‘Disavow Links Tool’. If you haven’t verified your website on GSC yet, then do it ASAP as it is an essential tool for every webmaster.

Step 3: Upload the file

Now comes the crucial part, upload your previously created ‘.txt’ file containing all the unwanted URLs or domains. This will tell Google which links you want them to disregard while evaluating your site’s SEO.

Pro Tip: Be very careful while creating this list and double-check if you want these links removed from search results before hitting submit.

Step 4: Submit

The last step is simply submitting the disavow request by clicking on ‘Submit’. Congrats! You have successfully submitted a request to remove harmful backlinks from search results.

But hold on, before we call it done there are a few things you should know:

  • It takes a few weeks for Google to process the disavow request and make changes in search results.
  • The Disavow tool is not a guarantee that the links will be removed from search results, but it does significantly reduce their impact on your site’s SEO.
  • Use this option judiciously as incorrect use of this feature can have negative consequences on your site’s ranking.

Disavowing links in Google Search Console can be an effective strategy to boost your website’s SEO by getting rid of toxic backlinks. However, always remember to regularly monitor and clean up your backlink profile to maintain a healthy link profile.

Enhance your SEO Strategy

Google Search Console is a valuable tool for analyzing and monitoring the backlinks to your website. By understanding and utilizing its features, you can gain valuable insight into your site’s link profile and enhance your SEO strategy.

Although it may seem daunting initially, this step-by-step guide should equip you with the knowledge and confidence to navigate and utilize this tool effectively. Regular monitoring and analysis will enable you to spot opportunities to improve your website’s performance and identify any potential issues before they become significant problems.

Picture of VIJAY ARYA


Hello, I'm Vijay, your go-to digital marketing expert. With years of experience navigating the digital landscape, I've honed my skills in SEO, content creation, and social media management. My passion lies in helping businesses amplify their online presence and reach their target audiences effectively. I believe in keeping up-to-date with the latest industry trends, ensuring that my strategies are always ahead of the curve.